Session Release Roundup #3: Filling the Android void

Session Release Roundup #3: Filling the Android void

May 27, 2020 / adminRelease Roundup

Major Android overhaul brings stability and reliability

Who says robots can’t have feelings? Android is certainly feeling the love with this latest Session update. 

We took a more fundamental approach with this update — instead of focusing on specific bug fixes, we decided to change the underlying logic of Session’s basic functionality (on Android, at least). What we’re really saying is: the bones of the Android Session client just got a major calcium injection.  

This means sweeping improvements you’ll be able to feel everywhere in the app: messages sending reliably, nitro-boosted performance, and (fingers crossed) multi-device improvements. 

Let’s get into the nitty-gritty. 

Android deployed: What’s in the latest update

Session is meant to help you keep in touch with your buddies, but problems with friend requests kept getting in the way. Sometimes, you’d send a friend request but your mate would never get it. Or maybe they’d already accepted your request but it never showed up for you. Well, now receiving and accepting friend requests should go off without a hitch.  

  • Overhauled underlying friend request logic (Android)

Closed groups are supposed to connect you with your friends, but the groups themselves weren’t quite ready for the party — to put it plainly, they didn’t work well. Now, closed groups have finally RSVP’d — expect improved closed group functionality, especially for multi-device users.

  • Overhauled closed group logic and handling (Android)

If you’ve ever tried to pair your Android device, you might have noticed device linking was really unreliable. Maybe devices never paired at all, or if they did, messages didn’t sync. Multi-device has been something of a problem child, but these fixes should make linking with Android devices much smoother. 

  • Overhauled underlying multi-device logic (Android)

Re-sync session. Re-sync session. Re-sync session. Sometimes re-syncing your session felt like Groundhog Day. Re-syncing should successfully fix broken sessions now, and message sending should be more reliable in general.

  • Overhauled underlying encryption session handling (Android)

Like we said before, this update was more of a makeover than a touch-up. You’ll notice the app should be faster and much more stable. Good vibes all around. 

  • Refactor of the entire Session protocol (Android)

  • Fixed several UI bugs which blocked the user from performing certain actions (Android)

On the conveyor belt: Future updates

Android refactor: Done. iOS refactor: Also done. The next cab off the rank is the Desktop refactor. With the mobile versions out of the way, we’ll be turning the screws on our Desktop refactor — that update should be arriving in your inboxes in the next few weeks. This should mean a whole host of similar improvements to the ones iOS and Android just got: improved multi-device functionality, session handling, and overall performance. 

And yes, the Spanish translation for Session is getting VERY close! Yes, really! It’ll most likely arrive on Android first, so Android users — keep an eye out for español in an upcoming update. 

We’re going to make some updates to onion requests, too — soon they’ll reach their final form: triple-hop requests. We’ll also be adding a brand new feature to display onion request progress, so you can see your messages being routed around the world in real-time. 

Last but not least, we’re still working on implementing shared sender keys to take closed groups to the next level — once we’ve got this implemented, you’ll be able to invite way more people to your closed groups. 

Thank you!

All of the people out there sending in bug reports, feedback, and pet peeves — you are the secret sauce that makes Session so good. We’re so grateful for all of your help, let’s make Session the best private messenger on the planet. See you next time!

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